Day 944

Parque Yortuque

Near the centre of Chiclayo is a 1 mile walkway running beside an open drain! From our experiences so far in Peru we would have expected this to be full of muddy water, rubbish and probably stink to high heaven. In Chiclayo though they do things differently.  Instead, they chose this area to be the setting for an outdoor art exhibition, with over 60 sculptures representing the ancient civilizations of Peru's history, and featuring many mythological creatures. Most of the works were created by the artist Fredy Luque. The walkway has then been lined with over 4,000 trees and 2,000 different plants. So instead of a grim neglected area, we have a place of tranquil beauty, stunning flowers and intriguing artwork. Good on you Chiclayo!


Day 945


Day 942