Day 965

Laguna 69

Alarms set for 5.30am, Helene and I were soon up and very excited to be hiking to one of Peru’s most beautiful lakes, Laguna 69. It is very popular with tourists so our plan was to get up there early to avoid the crowds, and me being me, to add an extra loop at the end, which Komoot classed as ‘dangerous’! The plan worked and we were the first ones up there, having the place to ourselves for almost an hour. The weather started closing in and we debated whether to take the usual route back down, or the ‘Tom special’. The special it was, and a very good decision it turned out to be. Despite the path sometimes disappearing and us both taking the odd tumble, the views were breath-taking, as was the altitude (maxing out at 15,825ft - the highest I’d ever been, and, much to my delight, higher than Mont Blanc Helene informed me). After getting back to the campsite, adrenaline still coursing through my veins and a thunderstorm moving in fast, I decided I was too worried about Debs to stay another night so pelted down the hill back to Caraz, arriving safely just before dark. Mission accomplished! Hope you like the pictures, the film should be awesome.


Day 969


Day 964